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Altimus Outdoor


An absence of illness or infirmity doesn't mean you are healthy. Good health means enjoying your physical, mental and social well-being to lead a happy and fulfilling life. A healthy lifestyle is nothing but a way of living to prevent or lower the risk of acquiring diseases and lifestyle disorders such as Diabetes, Obesity, Cholesterol, Depression and several other severe health conditions.

You don't want to spend a big part of your life treating diseases and paying medical bills, don't you? A healthy lifestyle creates a massive impact on every aspect of your life, including your personal, professional and social relationships. That's why living a healthy lifestyle is crucial in this fast-paced life.

We all live under various conditions, committed to different professions, and our requirements for diet and exercise varies from person to person. You must try and understand your needs before blindly following someone else lifestyle; it might do more harm than good. Let us get into the fundamentals of a healthy lifestyle and crack it down one by one.


Our body needs three primary nutrients for its survival – Carbohydrates, Fats and Proteins. Additionally, we need Vitamins, Minerals and Water. These are the six essential nutrients your body needs to perform all its functions properly. When taken in the right proportions, a balanced diet, you remain healthy physically and mentally, adding years to your life expectancy.

Understanding a balanced diet can be tricky. We are overexposed to several cuisines and thousands and thousands of meals from different parts of the world. We are often confused about choosing the right balance of nutrients in our diet. We consume everything labelled healthy, most of the time in surplus amount, burdening our digestive system resulting in several health issues. Anything taken more than necessary is harmful to your health. You need

  • Carbohydrates for energy
  • Proteins for building your body
  • Fats for connecting your brain cells
  • Vitamins & Minerals which are vital to your health
  • Vitamins & Minerals which are vital to your health
  • Water is essential for digestion, eliminating waste and required by every cell in your body for proper functioning

Your diet should include the above critical nutrients to function correctly, and you should be conscious about taking them in the proper proportions.



If you take carbohydrates more than necessary, your body produces more insulin raising your blood sugar level, leading to Diabetes and related health issues.

If you consume proteins more than essential, it leads to several health complications such as weight gain, constipation, kidney damage, heart problems, increased risk of cancer, and related issues.

If you take too much fat in your diet, your cholesterol level will spike, leading to weight gain putting too much pressure on your heart. It also increases the chances of heart disease, attacks and strokes.

Try to include vitamins and minerals in your regular diet instead of replacing them with supplements because an overdose of these nutrients can harm your body. Before taking any vitamin or mineral supplement, consult a doctor.


If you want to live healthy, be conscious of what you eat!

Fruits, vegetables, whole grains, legumes, nuts, fat-free or low-fat dairy products, eggs, fish, lean meats are considered a healthy diet– however, take care to consume them in the right proportions

A food high in sugar content, low fibre, saturated and trans fat, low-carb, high fat are unhealthy. Some examples are sugary drinks, most pizzas, sweetened breakfast cereals, fried food, grilled food, processed food & meat, fruit juices that are nothing but fruit-flavoured sugar water, high-calorie coffee, and the list seems endless. Next time before you eat, check for the ingredients.


Now that we eat a balanced diet, will that alone make us healthy? No! What if you are consuming 2000 calories and don't utilise it for your day-to-day activities? The unused calories end up as body fat leading to weight gain, and if left unchecked, it will result in obesity and increase the risk of diabetes and heart problems. That's why it is crucial to be physically active, especially if you are spending maximum time in front of the computer; you need to sweat out those extra calories. The idea of exercising is not bad; it is fun - you got to experience it yourself. It gives purpose and points towards a new direction in your life.

Exercising is for physical fitness, improving your mental health and boosting your brain development. You can choose various fitness activities ranging from high impact to low impact and benefit in many ways

High impact activities like running and tennis are great for working your cardiovascular system for better heart health. If you are a beginner, you better consult a trainer to evaluate your physical health before starting high-impact activities.

Low impact activities such as cycling, yoga, swimming, elliptical cardio are an excellent and safe choice for maintaining an active lifestyle.

Apart from the regular exercise, you can also go hiking, camping, skiing once a year to rejuvenate and restore yourself. It can bring much difference to your current life situation and help you manage day-to-day stress more effectively.


A healthy body without a healthy mind will take you nowhere in life, and you will get trapped in a loop, get depressed and end up ruining your life. That is why it is highly essential to nourish your mind. How do you do that? The following might work for you

  • It can be meditation
  • Taking time for self-reflection
  • Learning something new - read books, learn a skill, learn to cook, anything that excites you
  • Finding time for your passion - slow down and do what you love
  • Taking a technology break – put the phone away and spend time with someone you love
  • Set work-life limits and learn to say “No” to stop over-committing yourself



The quality of your sleep impacts your physical and mental well-being. It is when you sleep that your mind and body repair themselves. Without proper sleep during the night, you will feel physically tired, and your brain cannot function properly, leading to stress, depression, and an increased risk of falling sick, affecting the quality of your day-to-day life. What happens when you sleep?

  • It reduces stress
  • It improves your memory function
  • It heals your body and helps it to fight back
  • It helps in maintaining a healthy weight
  • It helps you remain in a better mood, makes you sharper and smarter

When you feel stressed out, try getting adequate sleep, and you will notice that you are feeling so much better.

A healthy Lifestyle should combine a balanced diet, regular exercise and a night of good quality sleep. It is a way of living by nurturing your body and nourishing your mind. Why end up visiting hospitals and doctors to spend your life's total earnings in misery and pain? Shell out your hard-earned money in eating healthy, exploring the world and focus on your passion. Indulge in activities you love and try spending time with people (not virtually), and most importantly, give back to nature and give to your community. When you lead a healthy lifestyle, you inspire others too.

Live Healthy, Live Happy, Live Long!

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